Survival kit for disaster by North Korea Missile Attach
Assuming North Korea missile attack, I made a list as a survival kit for disaster to prepare in advance or buy quickly after the disaster, based on experience of Great East Japan Earthquake. There is sold-out possibility for a set of kit. Therefore, I recommend to buy them one by one. This information is built on Amazon. In addition, adaptation of goods is identified by S, A, B, C. S is best. A is good. B is better than nothing. C is no joy. If you don't have time to survey, please utilize the following information. 1. Radio (Portable with battery and the one with handle for ...
What if North Korea begins war?Similar to steps to the Great East Japan Earthquake?
2018/11/24 Risk management, Asset management
Situation around North Korea is worse now in these 50 years in Japan. I recently incline to think what to do if North Korea war begins and missiles are dropped in Japan. Are countermeasures similar to those of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011? This is a simple question. I hope this article can be referred not only Japanese but US citizens. North Korea accelerates the development of missiles. South Korea and the U.S changed President. Then the situation around North Korea has changed a lot. I hope for a peaceful resolution, however, it is the first time to me to this crisis af ...