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Survival kit for disaster by North Korea Missile Attach

Assuming North Korea missile attack, I made a list as a survival kit for disaster to prepare in advance or buy quickly after the disaster, based on experience of Great East Japan Earthquake.

There is sold-out possibility for a set of kit. Therefore, I recommend to buy them one by one.

This information is built on Amazon.

In addition, adaptation of goods is identified by S, A, B, C.

S is best. A is good.  B is better than nothing.  C is no joy.

If you don't have time to survey, please utilize the following information.


1. Radio (Portable with battery and the one with handle for dynamo motor)


Battery driven

Use: When power supply is disrupted. Or when moving.

Cell phone will not be available due to networks shutdown or crowdness.

But you can collect information by this radio.

Evaluation: Always bring when you go to work.

In case cell phone is not available, or television is not available due to loss of power, you can collect informaion.  So this is a key device.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: S,  Biological missile: S, Chemical missile: S:


 Hand crank, no battery!

Usage:  Prepare in your house. When loss of power, you can use this as light and radio. In addition, you can charge your smart phone by this.

Note: When loss of power supply, your smart phone will be no use in soon, since there is no power supply.  Lessons learned by Great East Japan Earthquake.

Evaluation: Put this near your bed.  When loss of power and it are dark, you can use this light and radio.


You don't have to worry about battery discharge since you can charge this by handle crank.  This is one of mandatory items.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: S,  Biological missile: S, Chemical missile: S


2. Mini mag lite with whistle

Evaluation of this product is not so good.  There is better one in Japan.

But it is better to have.

Usage:  In case you are trapped by falling objects in the building, you have damage but you should call help of this whistle. Remember movie of Tytanic.

Mini light may be good if you are trapped in a dark area.


Evaluation:  Since this holds keys, always bring this.  This is just nice size to bring.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: B, Chemical missile: A


3. Light, candles and cigarette lighter



Both products are good evaluated.

Usage:  In case of loss of power, these products provide light.

In addition, when you move in dark, or search for something, the Gentos is very good.

Evaluation:  I have same Gentos and it is really bright.  You can change the light cone.

Size is really good and fits your hand. Operability is so nice.  Battery will last long.

This is a little bit expensive, but this is a realy good product.

Lantern is also nice.  But you can utilize candles with lighter.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: C, Chemical missile: C



4.N95 mask

For adult


For child

Usage:  Not to inhale toxic air by radioactive particles, chemical particles and biological particles.

Evaluation:  I did not use this for Great East Japan Earthquake.  It will last three to five years. However, this is dependant on rubber, so it can last more.  It's better to stock.

In case of biological weapon, this will be utilized as emergency purpose though it does not protect all.

It can reduce inhaling radioactive substance.

For chemical weapon, such as VX gas and Sarin, skin absorbs such substance, so utilization of mask is limited protection.  But it is better to have than nothing.

Note that past radioactive incident in Japanese nuclear plant, staff used good mask, however, they did not fit it very well, so they inhale radioactive substance.   Take care to fit it in perfect position.


Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: S, Chemical missile: C


5.Portable Rescue sleeping bag

Usage:  In winter, if you have to stop your car and need to sleep in the car, or if your train stops, this will help you.

Evaluation:  This is compact, so I recommend you to always bring this to the office.   What wap bad in Great East Japan Earthqake was air condition stopped due to loss of power.  It was chilly in winter.


Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: A, Chemical missile: A



6. Portable raincoat for going to outside

Usage:  This is to protect black rain (contaminated rain by radioactive substance). It also protects the skin from chemical substance by chemical weapon.

Evaluation:  Scockk this in your car and your house. I

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: A, Chemical missile: A



7. Water for long-term use

Usage:  This is used when water supply stops due to power loss.

Evaluation:  I have a similar one but never used.

It is better to have this one since water is necessary for maintaining the human body.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: S,  Biological missile: C, Chemical missile: C



8. Rainwater filter

Usage:  You can filter rainwater in case of water supply stop and no storage water.

Evaluation:  This is backup of storage water.

This will be used when water is mandatory as an emergency case. You need to pool rain water in different storage.

I use garbage box to collect rain water.


Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: A, Chemical missile: C




9.Emergency food

Usage:  Store what you want to eat, not only Amazon one when you can not buy any food in super due to disaster. It's better to use this to replace periodically.

Evaluation:  Check lifetime of the products. Select longer ones.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: A, Chemical missile: A


11. Army cotton gloves

Usage:  When you need to remove obstacles by falling objects, and to protect contamination caused by chemical weapon and biological weapon.

Evaluation:  It's better to have to remove obstacles to protecting injury,  however, protection of contamination is limited.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: A, Chemical missile: A

12.Duct Tape

Usage:  To isolate house from contaminated air outside by sealing windows and fans with plastic thin sheet.

Evaluation:  It's cheap and you can use this daily life.  So, store this a little bit more.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: S, Chemical missile: S


13.Disposal Heating Pad(considering for winter)

Usage:  In winter when loss of power and gas, you can use this to warm your body.

Evaluation:  It's better to have depends on your house architecture to protect cold.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: C, Chemical missile: C


14.Emergency Kit

Usage:  Use this when you or your family has damage or injured.

Evaluation:  It's better to have this not only for disaster.

When you want to buy this after disaster, it may be difficult to get it. In this case, you need to purchase individual goods in one-dollar shop or other shop.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: C, Chemical missile: C


15.Long pants and shirt (for summer)

Usage:  To protect contact with contaminated air. In winter, you have this already. But in summer, you need to have this. This one is better.

Evaluation:  You can use this in your daily life.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: A,  Biological missile: A, Chemical missile: A


16.Geiger counter

Usage:  This is really necessary to monitor adjacent places of radioactivity level.  It will be very difficult to get it after a nuclear attack.

Evaluation:  I used a smililar one a lot after the Great East Japan Earthquake.  I monitored every place of office, train, road, restaurants and house, park, then I underatood corrrect radioactivity  level and trend.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: S,  Biological missile: C, Chemical missile: C



17. Dried kelp

Usage:  When nuclear missiles are used, at the beginning you use this to fill iodine in your thyroid gland before collecting radioactive iodine in your thyroid gland.  This is to protect being cancer of the organ.  One person needs 1 oz of Kelp.  Put this in boiled water for 10 to 15 minutes and drink the water.

Evaluation:  I did not buy this in the Great East Japan Earthquake, but found this is really good material.  This is last long. Buy the way, this is used for traditional Japanese cuisine.

Necessity:  Nuclear missile: S,  Biological missile: C, Chemical missile: C



Thus, I introduced goods assuming missile attack from North Korea.

If you don't have time to select goods in net, please utilize these links to shop.

In addition, you can refer the following video where I had received interview!


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